Wednesday, September 27, 2006

T.O.'s O.D.?

News is out that Terrell Owens of the Dallas Cowboys was treated at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas initially for a "reaction" to the pain medication he was taking in the aftermath of his recent surgery. Then we heard from Dallas Police that T.O.'s "reaction" was actually a suicide attempt. Then T.O. appears before the cameras to deny any depression and any suicide attempt. So what is it: a reaction, a mistake on the dosage, or a suicide attempt?

Everyone is speculating right now. But here's what we do know about T.O.

He has some issues.

He is a phenomenal physical specimen: the complete package of physical strength, stamina, and speed. On raw talent alone, he ranks among the best receivers in the National Football League. But talent alone does not make you a success.

We have also seen his "shtick:" the stomping on the Texas Stadium's midfield logo; the bicep flexing after making a play; the pulling out the Sharpie after a touchdown on Monday night so he can sign a football for a fan in Green Bay; the ongoing feud with Eagles' coach Andy Reid and later Eagles' quarterback Donovan McNabb; and so forth and so on.

Now that the report is out that he has attempted to take his own life, the hacks are out psychoanalyzing T.O.'s life. We discover that he was raised by his grandmother; that he had no real male role model; that he is a picture of someone conflicted. So while the world examines Terrell Owens' life, allow me to look at his life from a pastor's perspective.

Terrell Owens needs to experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

A personal relationship with Jesus Christ would fulfill his search for significance, one that is not being met catching passes. It would fulfill his need for a role model in his life. It would cleanse him from the anger and bitterness that too many people see in his behavior. It would let him discover what the real purpose of life is all about.

I'm sure the Cowboys have a chaplain; I'm sure that chaplain is busy preparing to deal with Owens. Let's pray that the chaplain brings the goods and leads T.O. to Christ.



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